如果你对会员资格或我们在内审局的工作有疑问, you will hopefully find the answers below. 如果您在浏览完此页面后仍有问题,请发送电子邮件给我们 [email protected]


Do you have a global membership? 
No - each IAB is operated separately, 因为他们主要处理本国的监管环境.

IAB英国专注于英国问题,IAB欧洲专注于欧洲问题, but as EU legislation currently applies to the UK, e.g. GDPR、IAB英国和IAB欧洲紧密合作. IAB UK is also a member of IAB Europe. 

What is IAB Tech Lab?
IAB技术实验室独立于任何IAB运营,并在全球范围内运营. 它负责开发标准和技术,以实现整个数字媒体生态系统的增长和透明度. 有关IAB技术实验室的更多信息,请访问他们的网站 here.

For the first time, 我们为IAB英国会员提供免费访问IAB技术实验室资源的机会. Find out more here

Membership & Account 

Can individuals be members?

可以登录的团队成员数量没有限制. Anyone with your company email address can sign up.

How can I get access to a newsletter?

What groups do you have?
We have 16 groups in total, including 13 channel specific groups, 比如“音频”和“广告技术”以及四个专业小组, 'Publishers', 'Research', 'Regulatory Affairs', and 'Diversity, Equity & Inclusion'. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的行业团体页面 here.

How much does a company membership cost?
公司会员资格是根据你在英国的年收入来计算的. Advertisers are entitled to free memberships.

Is membership only for big companies?
No. Membership is available for all company sizes. 事实上,我们一直在积极鼓励中小型企业参与数字化. See our SME tool 并了解您的企业如何最大限度地利用彩乐园dsn.

Can I see which companies are already members?
We have over 1,300 members, from the biggest media owners and brands, to Direct to Consumer brands and small businesses. You can view them all here.

Who are your board members?
我们的董事会仅限于25家公司,他们共同确定了IAB UK在各种问题上的方向. You can see who is on our board here.



What are the latest ad spend figures?
我们dsn彩乐园网址的Adspend调查结果显示,英国彩乐园dsn市场同比增长15%,达到12英镑.5bn spent on digital ads in H1 2022. 2022年的完整报告将于2023年4月发布. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的Adspend页面 here.

Which figures should I submit?
请与我们的研究团队联系,了解您如何为我们的各种研究成果做出贡献, including Adspend, here.

Do you have insights into agency spending or how much is being spent in different verticals?
我们的完整Adspend报告深度涵盖了这两个领域, 会员可以通过广告页面访问它 here.

Our 'Why Digital?page page整理了我们所有证明彩乐园dsn有效性的研究. This includes Effectiveness Research and brand Case Studies of successful digital ad campaigns.

测量中心和工具包提供了测量彩乐园dsn活动的最有效方法的资源. Find out more here.


Gold Standard

What is the Gold Standard?
dsn彩乐园网址对所有购买和销售数字媒体的IAB英国成员开放. 它旨在改善彩乐园dsn体验, help compliance with the GDPR and ePrivacy law, tackle ad fraud and uphold brand safety. Find out more here.

How do I become certified for the Gold Standard?
开启您的dsn彩乐园网址认证之旅再容易不过了, 只需填写一份简短的在线表格,我们会与你联系,讨论你的承诺,并让你开始这个过程. You can access the form here.


Policy & Regulation


自2020年政府首次宣布HFSS在线广告禁令以来, 我们一直在与我们的会员和行业合作伙伴一起反对这项禁令,因为政府自己的证据表明它不会起作用. 我们一直专注于提出更智能、以数字为主导的替代方案. As a result of our efforts, 在线广告禁令原定于2023年初实施,现在被推迟到2025年10月. Head to our HFSS hub for the latest.

欧盟GDPR已纳入英国法律,英国GDPR现在适用. 有关英国脱欧如何影响彩乐园dsn的更多信息,请访问我们的 GDPR page.

Has your work with the ICO continued?
Yes. ICO于2021年初恢复了调查广告技术和实时投标数据保护合规性的工作, 此前在2020年5月暂停了进一步的调查. IAB与我们的成员合作,制定了一系列指导和资源,涵盖ICO在其2019年更新报告中确定的关键领域, which you can find here.


Events & Training

What events do you have coming up?
You can view all of our events for 2023 here

Do you offer training?
我们通过IAB英国电子学习中心提供全面的在线培训课程. You can find out more here

Do you record your events and webinars?
Yes. 我们的网络研讨会可供会员观看 here 我们过去许多活动的会议都可以在我们的 YouTube Channel.


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Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.